
油彩 畫布
簽名︰劉大鴻 Liu Da Hong

1994年5月1日 佳士得香港 編號47


《蜜月》(Lot 1205)描繪經典人物毛澤東被半神話化的英雄與烈士瘋狂地圍著,
展示劉大鴻刻畫人物的精湛的技巧。劉大鴻偏愛用簡單的敘事手法,也愛用鮮豔的色彩,表現某種虛構的自信和不懂世故的天真,彷如從彼得.勃魯蓋爾的鏡頭回顧過去歷史,全都是扭曲的影像。《金科玉律》(Lot 1204)是人民解放軍軍歌《三大紀律八項注意》的圖像化的描述,每一注意事項皆描繪在一塊磚塊上。劉大鴻以集體回憶來感動人心,更採用無產階級形象,散播社會主義的理想,並注入了前所未有的張力。《會議廳》(Lot 1203) 以幽默、諷刺的手法,以及怪誕的視覺效果,重新審視公義的涵義及其歷史價值。劉大鴻繼續以繪畫建構自己的哲學,熟練地以民間風俗與政治俚語表達他對人類命運和文化歷史的關注。
Christie's Hong Kong, 1 May 1994, Lot 47
Acquired from the above by the present owner



The rural idylls and fantasies of the Cultural Revolution recur in Liu Dahong's imagining and kaleidoscope-like realms and are presented as a grotesque urban reality to bemuse and terrify us. His artful marriage of folk and kitsch motifs from mass-produced New Years' paintings with popular political vernacular as seen through absurdity and satire reveals an era of anti-logic within the history of China when politics infused every aspect of life and society, including painting. Born in Qingdao to intellectual parents after the Great Leap Forward, the lugubrious mood of those times formed his style and his examination of cultural history and revelation of human weaknesses.

The Honeymoon (Lot 1205) exemplifies Liu's mastery in iconographic representation within this pantheon of historic and semi-mythical heroes and martyrs of the People's Republic orbiting in frenzy around Mao Zedong. Liu prefers simple narrative style ebulliently painted in brilliant colours that reveals a certain self-confidence and naivety, as if seen through the distorted lens of Pieter Bruegel. Golden Rules and Jade Precepts (Lot 1204) is a visual depiction of the anthem of the People's Liberation Army "The Three Disciplines and the Eight Points of Attention", each painted on a tromphe-l'oeil brick. Not only does it strike a chord in collective nostalgia, Liu adopts the proletarian forms of expression in promulgating socialist ideals and infuses it with unprecedented tension. The structure and historical significance of justice of an era are equally reexamined in The Meeting Hall (Lot 1203) and like all of his works, are met with visual eccentricity, intellectual humor and irony. Through these, Liu continue to form his own philosophy in painting versed at folk and political argot to express a concern for the fate of mankind and cultural history.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術日間拍賣
