
油彩 鋁材 (二聯作)

姜亨九的肖像畫不只要向歷代藝術大師致敬,也要為觀眾帶來一種感觀的經驗,使人留連於超現實主義與極寫實主義之間那耐人尋味的幻象裡。《路易.阿姆斯壯》(Lot 1209)與《安迪‧沃荷》(Lot 1208)的畫像選取了最簡單直接的角度,效果卻非常有力,震撼人心。畫面充滿著情感與個性,在極寫實美學所強調的即時衝擊效果之上再作提升。憑著超卓的繪畫技術,姜亨九把情感、政治、社會和文化元素融合於肖像畫單一主題中。照片構圖按需要調整,與表現主義繪畫技法和媒介的使用相輔相成,使這些已故名人的風釆、魅力重現於世。

Please note that the correct dimensions of the work should be:
each: 240 x 120 cm. (94 1/2 x 47 1/4 in.)
overall: 240 x 240 cm. (94 1/2 x 94 1/2 in.)



Kang Hyung Koo's portraits are not merely dedicated to significant figures of art history, but are also intended to be a sensorial experience based on an enigmatic illusion balanced somewhere between Surrealism and Hyperrealism. Louis Armstrong (Lot 1209) and Andy Warhol (Lot 1208) are in simple perspective angle, an outcome that is powerfully effective with its striking visuals full of emotion and character in aesthetic extension to Hyperrealism's immediacy of impact. Kang's technical virtuosity in assimilating emotional, political, social and cultural themes in singular visual motif of portraiture is further intensified by a balance between pragmatic adjustment of photographic composition and expressionistic painting technique and medium, allowing space for his celebrities from the past to revive their spirits.

Louis Armstrong and Andy Warhol are portrayed in their most recognizable snapshot, a straightforward personification of an individual parallel to features of caricature in exaggerating an easily identifiable visual resemblance. Kang's acute observation in extracting the essence of the two icons are evidently manifested in his simple use of the most representational yet dynamic snapshot that has multifarious effects as a universal language, ultimately, demonstrating the two cultural heroes and their iconic influence in the world. The curved profile, eyes and sweat droplets are exaggerated in repetitive globular shape with wrinkles that outline the inflating anticipation before the trumpet is blown. Kang stages a new challenge by moving away from his usual expressionless face and eye contact, directing all conceptual and artistic dialogue in an overstated moment of emotion of Louis Armstrong playing his music. Warhol is snapped in an upward focus, the eye also enlarged in intimidating watch but directly engaged with the viewer. The physical scale echo emotional variety through bold composition, appearance and medium, perhaps as a figurative manifestation of Warhol's unnerving supremacy and attitude. Intentionally caught in mid-action, the presence and existence of the two icons are further amplified together with Kang's customary tendency of emphasizing the epidermis by magnifying facial features to subtly force upon reality with its utmost close inspection. However, though flawlessly accurate in its depiction, the medium of aluminum bestows a quiet gravity as the level of reflection and transparency is controlled in an ethereal mood as both the icons radiate transcendence and timelessness through the glossy surface of aluminum. Kang utilized the mirrored surface as an allegorical reflection of the illusionary against its utterly realistic depiction in his endeavor to resemble the subconscious and the conscious, dream and reality as he believes that Surrealism and Hyperrealism both deliver the same sensation by providing an illusion of reality and a sensorial misguidance through persuasive illustrations that simulate reality, which can both be the product of an improvisational automatism from the artist's psyche.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術日間拍賣
