
油彩 畫布
簽名:曾梵志 Zeng Fanzhi

2007年5月27日 佳士得香港 編號 537

自「面具」的誕生以後,曾梵志轉向尋求其他途徑展現人物的情感,例如鑽研筆刷的使用,或從環境著手。2005年繪畫的《毛澤東》(Lot 1207),重現了《老虎》那種無拘無束的筆法。他借用毛主席身為年輕革命家時被偶像化的典範照片,替這名中國偉大舵手畫了一幅七分面頭像。對於人像畫,他曾這樣說:「我喜歡表達人群或單一個體心情的態度,而且用直接的反應加以臨摹,目的就是傳達對方的表情、情緒、想法,以及我本人對他的感覺。」(《我/我們:曾梵志作品1991-2003》,湖北藝術出版社,2003年,第56頁)


看到理想主義是如何地激發想像,看到自己的本性是如何地愛冒險和創造,看到現代人生活的是如何地勇敢和脆弱,曾梵志把一切都融入了《小女孩》(Lot 1231) 這張充滿力量的作品當中。他育有一名女兒,因此大家很難不聯想到他的目光已寄放在下一代身上。這次他採用了像《毛澤東》(Lot 1207)那樣的懷舊色彩,從低角度描寫一名小女孩的背影。她穿著小小的粉紅吊帶裙與及膝長襪,在長長的野草堆中天真瀾漫地躍高,奔往未知的國度。天空是清爽的夏日藍,野草不是綠色而是灰色,令人想起石屎森林。她的手臂不顧一切地往後伸展,粗糙的筆刷強化了影像本身自由的感覺。這情景的意義顯然並不清晰,我們不知道她要飛往哪裡去,也不知道她會否安全著陸,不過曾梵志似乎甚喜歡這種曖昧,這次他要暗示的不再是存在主義式的痛苦,而是存在本身的快樂。綜觀其創作歷程,曾梵志作品之多元化與非凡魅力,皆來自他個人的真誠與多愁善感,他總是漂亮地透過人類共通的語言投射出個人的真實情感和想法。人生來便周而復始地追尋遠大目標,力求超越界限,亦希望自己變得更好,而他這些破格的藝術品,不斷挑戰著東西方藝術概念之界線,把西方顏料和意念融入了東方傳統文化,藉此探討發展迅速的現代中國在經濟和意識形態上的變遷,以及那往往令人苦不堪言的社會演化過程。
Christie's Hong Kong, 27 May 2007, Lot 537
Acquired from the above by the present owner



The revelation of Zeng's figures behind the "mask" eventually led the artist to explore other avenues of expressive portraiture, focusing increasingly on brushwork as well as on the environment of his subjects. With his Maofrom 2005 (Lot 1207) we see again the unrestrained brushwork hinted at in A Pair of Tigers Zeng offers a three-quarter view of China's Great Helmsman, borrowing a classic and canonized image of Mao's biography as a young revolutionary. Of his painting practice, Zeng has said, "I was interested in expressing the attitudes of moods of people, of an individual person, and to do so in a direct response, aimed at conveying the person's expression, emotion, thinking, and my own sense of that person" (I/We: The Painting of Zeng Fanzhi 1991-2003 Hubei Arts Press, ShenZheng, 2003, p. 56).

These post-2000 paintings return Zeng to a full-elaborated canvas. These works display less investment in metaphor and symbol; instead, Zeng relies on the seemingly "automatic" flow his brush to reveal his own feelings on his particular subject. Like many artists of his generation, the formative experience of the Cultural Revolution, and the residual influence of this experience often found its way into Zeng's paintings. In this case, Zeng has taken on the subject of Mao Zedong himself, rendering him with a fully technicolor palette: his suit a luminous cadmium blue, the background a soft pink, his features rendered in naturalistic and inviting towns, giving the effect at once of kitsch and loving nostalgia. Zeng's handling of the surface of the canvas however is suggestive of other readings. Considerable attention is given to the features and surrounding canvas, and Mao's likeness as a result enters into a kind of tension with the swimming surface of the canvas, his eyes still matching our gaze but struggling to fully coalesce underneath the artist's surface elaborations. Zeng effectively resurrects Mao's visage and iconic power with his bold palette and sensual brushwork, Zeng suggests the power Mao continued to have over Chinese life, if not as a political force, but as an emotional force that continued to have a hold over Zeng and his generation.

What Zeng saw as the idealism that sparked imaginations, and his inherent empathy for the risks and self-invention, the bravery and vulnerability of contemporary life, finds expression in his uniquely exultant painting Little Girl(Lot 1231). Zeng himself has a daughter, and it is hard not to imagine with this painting that his thoughts have turned to the futures of subsequent generations. The painting maintains the same nostalgic palette as Mao a young girl is scene from a low vantage point and from behind. Dressed in a short pink frock, in girlish kneehigh socks, she is seen leaping whimsically through high wild grass towards an unknown horizon. The sky is a cool summer blue, and the grey of the grass is not a natural tone but one that is suggestive of city blocks and skyscrapers. Zeng's loose brushwork emphasizes the feeling of liberation inherent to the image, her arms thrown back in wild abandon. The ambiguity of the scene is unavoidable; we cannot know where she is leaping to, or whether she will land safely, but Zeng seems to be embracing even that ambiguity, for once, not a cause of existential torments but as a joyful aspect inherent to existence itself. The diversity and appeal of Zeng's art stems form his honesty, fragility, and beauty in portraying his raw emotions and in expressing his thoughts upon a universally-shared trait; our recurrent human desire to aspire to goals beyond our inherent limits, our desire to appear better than what we are. His anomalous artworks consistently challenge the conceptual line between Western and Eastern art, blending Western artistic inspiration and paint material with East traditions and culture to explore the economical, ideological, and often painful social transformations of a burgeoning modern China.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術日間拍賣
