ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
PROPERTY FROM THE FAMILY OF H.H. K'UNG These paintings by two of China's foremost artists of the twentieth century were part of the collection of the renowned financier and government official H.H. K'ung (Kong Xiangxi, 1881-1967). Born in Taigu, Shanxi province to a well established family of businessmen and educated by Christian missionaries, H.H. K'ung, who was a 75th-generation descendant of Confucius, studied at Oberlin College and Yale University before returning to China in 1907. His initial career as an educator was cut short by the political disruption caused by the fall of the Qing dynasty. He was quickly appointed the civil administrator of Taigu and division commander of the local army. Shifting politics obliged K'ung to spend time in Japan, where he met and in 1914 married Soong Ailing (1890-1973), eldest of the three famed Soong sisters and eventually became the brother-in-law of Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek. H.H. K'ung served in several critical posts in the Republic of China government: Minister of Industry and Commerce (1928-1931), Minister of Finance (1933-1944), Governor of the Central Bank of China (1933-1945), and Premier of the Republic (1939-1945). During his career he enacted important economic reforms and was among the key architects of China's modern financial and industrial systems. K'ung lived in the United States after 1947 and these paintings remained in the family by descent. As a highly educated and sophisticated businessman, K'ung enjoyed the resources and the aesthetic sensibilities to appreciate fine works of art. His pivotal role in the government and close connections with influential people in China and abroad also provided him with ready access to important artists and collections.
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)

Flying Deity

張大千 飛仙 設色紙本   立軸 一九四一年作
安西榆林窟,北涼沮渠蒙遜 所鑿也,崖石傾頽,只餘四十七窟,六朝畫壁大都不存,此撫第十一窟唐人筆,辛巳 (1941年) 冬,爰。 鈐印:爰鉥、大千

註:此畫作於辛巳年 (1941年) 冬,是張 大千在敦煌臨摹的276幅壁畫之一。這融合了莊嚴肅穆和奪人光彩的藝術作品,超越了令人崇拜的宗教繪畫。張大千對美學的理解如他自己所說:“繪畫最重要的是表現美”— 這也 體現在他對佛肖像準確的描繪上。他最終的目標是表達情感,並在人物繪畫中呈現出“非凡的構圖”。


傅抱石《琵琶行》、張大千《飛仙》,這兩幅二十世紀最重要的畫家畫的作品,是著名銀行家和國民政府要員 — 孔祥熙的收藏。孔祥熙出生於 山西太谷縣,商人世家,早年就接受基督傳教士的教育。這位孔夫子第七十五代後人,曾留學美國奧布連書院和耶魯大學。1907年回國,投身教育事業,在家鄉辦教育。滿清倒台後,社會動亂。他更被任命成太谷縣商團顧問,指揮和操練商團軍隊。政治氣候的改變,孔先生到日本,尋求更大的發展空間。在日本他認識赫赫有名孫中山及宋查理,也邂逅宋靄齡,宋家三姐妹的大姐,並於1914年結婚。其後和孫逸仙、蔣介石結成連襟。

孔祥熙曾在中華民國政府擔任過不少 要職,包括工商部長 (1928-1931), 財政部長 (1933-1944),中央銀行總 裁 (1933-1945)和行政院院長 (1939- 1945)。在他的事業生涯裡,實行重要經濟改革,為中國現代金融和工業製度發展作了深遠的貢獻。孔氏自1947年定居美國,而孔家多年收藏的書畫和藝術品,亦一直保留在他鄉。




Painted in the winter of xinsi year (1941),@Zhang Daqian's Flying Deity forms part of the 276 fragments of murals that Zhang painted during his time in Dunhuang, where he remained from May 1941 until the end of 1943.
Flying Deity embodies both solemnity and radiance, and is a work of art rather than a religious painting for veneration. Zhang's faith in aestheticism is attested by his statement that "the chief objective of painting is to express beauty"- while his training reflected his determination to accurately depict Buddhist portraits, his essential goal was to learn to express emotion and create a 'grand composition' in figure painting.
With fluent and vigorous outlines, the deity's face is serene, with an elegant topknot adorned with jewels enhancing the mood of tranquility. In contrast, the swirling and looping streamers are animated and dynamic, giving movement to a beautifully contoured body gliding through the clouds.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
