YU YOUREN (1879-1964)
THE Family COLLECTION OF MR. HO CHINAM A selection from Mr. Ho Chinam's collection of Chinese paintings received active support in Christie's Spring sale, which succeeded in raising the status of works from the Lingnan School. In addition to paintings by Gao Jianyu, Deng Fen, and Huang Junbi, this season also includes calligraphy by Yu Youren. Among these Lot 2743 was a couplet written in cursive script for Bingxian, whose son married Ho Chinam's daughter. This couplet has the same text as Lot 940 in the Spring sale. After Yu Youren moved to Guangzhou, he enjoyed a close relationship with Liu Houwu and Liang Bingxian. One day, while he was dining at Liang's house, Yu was surprised by the uniquely delicious pig's knuckle made by Liang's wife Wenfang. Hence, he wrote this couplet and presented it to Liang Bingxian. Liang's wife saw it and asked for another to keep as a souvenir, which led to the anecdote of "double inscriptions with one couplet". Lingnan artist Deng Fen was a good friend of Liang Bingxian. They often had tea and great conversations together while living in Macau. Deng Fen once gifted a landscape painting by Huang Binhong to Liang. Lot 2748 is a picture of a specially painted arhat that was given as a gift for Bingxian's 60th birthday, and expresses the sentiment that Bingxian's longevity should equal that of the Buddha.
YU YOUREN (1879-1964)

Calligraphy Couplet

于右任   書法   水墨紙本   立軸兩幅


何指南先生 (1908-1953) 部份中國書畫藏品,於今年春 季拍賣會得到踴躍支持,提升了嶺南畫派的收藏價值。今季除高劍父、鄧芬、黃君璧的作品,更有于右任的書法,其中編號2743草書對聯,題贈秉閑,是何指南姻親梁秉閑。此聯與上季編號940同書,原來于右任自監察院遷往廣州後,常與劉侯武、梁秉閑等時相往來,一日在梁寓共膳,于公驚嘆梁夫人文芳獨製之家鄉豬腳,味美難忘,乃書聯以贈秉閑。梁夫人見之亦欲要一聯留念,遂有同聯雙出之佳話。而鄧芬乃秉閑好友,居澳門時有茶叙,談天說地,非常投契,曾送黃賓虹山水畫一幀以重友情,編號2748為賀秉閑六十壽辰特繪羅漢贈之,意指無量壽佛,近身為念也。


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