PU RU (1896-1963)  ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
LOTS 2732-2738 THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF MR. ZHAO JUYU Zhao Juyu (1913-1981), sobriquet Mengwan, was a native of Hunan, and studied at Shanghai Fudan University, and attended the Guo Min Revolutionary Army after graduating. During the January 28 Incident in 1932, he joined the volunteer army and took part in fighting against the Empire of Japan. After the end of the Sino-Japanese war, he took up the post of Hangzhou branch manager for the Central Trust of China. Settling in Taiwan in 1949, Zhao entered the finance industry before taking up a post at the Veterans Affairs Commission. During his time he oversaw the establishment of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and became minister before he retired.
岩下高仕 水墨紙本 鏡框


溥儒/張大千 岩下高仕 水墨紙本 鏡框

張大千題識:溥王孫未竟之作,予為補成之, 老眊未由追及後塵也。孟完吾兄教正。 大千弟張爰。

註: 張大千與溥心畬自來就被人稱為“南張北溥”,二人相知相惜,無論詩、書、畫,二人剛好風格絕異,卻又能彼此欣賞。有趣的是:張大千出自民間,畫作卻雍容華貴,浩蕩開闊。溥心畬貴為舊王孫,卻清雅內斂,超然絕塵。
此件《岩下高仕》溥心畬所畫高仕,面相清雅脫俗,線條簡淡飄逸,大千先生為之補景,由於畫面較為狹隘,索性將枯枝畫出紙外,氣勢則不為畫紙所局限。細心的他,題字上仍要自謙一番,“老眊未及追其 (溥老) 後塵”, 無怪乎溥心畬先生讚他“滔滔四海風塵日,宇宙難容一大千”,似乎最能道出張大千的器量與風度。



Yanie Choi
Yanie Choi




Zhang Daqian and Pu Ru, both talented artists in their own right and possessed completely different styles in terms of painting, poetry and writing. Whilst Zhang was born of rather humble origins yet grew to be ostentatious and painted with grandeur, Pu Ru was born of royal descent yet his paintings were simplistic, elegant, and always showed restraint.
In this piece, Pu Ru painted the scholars while Zhang painted the background. The scholar's face is pure and simple, while the background locates the scholars in a landscape that seems to stretch beyond the confines of the paper. The inscription further articulates their mutual affection and admiration.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
