ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF MR. ZHAO JUYU Zhao Juyu (1913-1981), sobriquet Mengwan, was a native of Hunan, and studied at Shanghai Fudan University, and attended the Guo Min Revolutionary Army after graduating. During the January 28 Incident in 1932, he joined the volunteer army and took part in fighting against the Empire of Japan. After the end of the Sino-Japanese war, he took up the post of Hangzhou branch manager for the Central Trust of China. Settling in Taiwan in 1949, Zhao entered the finance industry before taking up a post at the Veterans Affairs Commission. During his time he oversaw the establishment of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and became minister before he retired.
新梅 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七六年作


張大千 新梅 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七六年作

題識:蓬顆新開五畝園,木皮蓋屋石當軒。 石邊更種梅花樹,我欲三更看月痕。 環蓽庵成種楳有作。爰翁。

註: 張大千在卡密爾的居家別號“環蓽庵”,據張大千告訴蔡孟堅:在這森林中可說是四面蓬蓽,這一蓬蓽之所,還要一段時日將屋外園地大興土木,廣植花木,大事佈置,方可生輝。大千自購築環蓽庵後,便從日本運入頗多的松梅盆栽,並遍尋美石,其中以梅花為最受他喜愛,他認為梅花是國花,並且最能代表華人堅忍不拔的情操,越是堅難的環境越能表現出高尚的風骨。後來終於覓得一塊台灣形狀的巨石,請人刻上“梅丘”二字,立於園中,石旁遍植白梅,只要一進入環蓽庵就能明顯見到,他說:吾人一如歲寒三友,必須保持風節,但望與梅花長石共存,自此,梅丘石一直隨著大千先生遷移到臺灣,長眠於斯。



Yanie Choi
Yanie Choi




Zhang Daqian named his house in Carmel, California Huan Bianan, and once relayed to Cai Mengjian, "This forest that surrounds my humble home, it will take time for me to maintain the grounds, decorate my home and furnish it nicely, before I can call it home." After Zhang purchased his home, he imported pine, prunus and other potted plants from Japan, and sourced far and wide to find beautiful rocks. Plum blossom was his favoured flower, for it was not only the national flower, it also represented the steadfastness of the people, who persisted and triumphed even in adversity. Zhang finally found a rock in the shape of Taiwan and carved the words meiqiu on it, meaning 'plum blossoms mound'. Surrounding the rock with white plum blossoms, the rock was placed at the door of the house to welcome guests. Zhang emphasized that one should have the qualities of the three friends of winter, maintaining honour and integrity. His deep respect for plum blossom and his attachment to the rock are evident, as the rock was shipped back to Taiwan and was placed next to where he was buried.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
