XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)
靈枝挺秀 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四一年作


徐悲鴻 靈枝挺秀 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四一年作

題識:錫培先生正之。辛巳 (1941年) 春日悲鴻。
管震民題詩堂:靈枝挺秀。丙戌 (1946年) 小春月, 錫培先生雅屬並正。 管震民時年六十又七,同客檳榔嶼。

註:圖一之相片拍於1937年2月歡送伍錫培 (1902-1965年) 往香港與上海旅遊八周之聚會上,伍氏坐在手執 行杖的管震民 (1880-1962年) 之右方。伍錫培為英 屬檳城入境處的文員。管震民 (1880-1962年),原名望濤,字淺白,浙江黃岩人,京師大學堂 (前北京大學) 畢業。歷任浙江二師及緬甸仰光華僑中學校長、浙江西湖博物 館生物主任。1935年2月管震民赴檳城出任鐘靈中 學文史教席,至1949年退休。管氏除了是一位資深的教育家,亦擅長文學與書法,於旅居檳城期間認識伍錫培。
1941年徐悲鴻送贈此畫給伍錫培。管氏寫下一字 條 (見圖二),紀綠他親自把為畫所題“靈枝挺秀”四字送到伍府,但伍氏外出不遇。後來日軍佔領檳城,管氏痛失愛兒,而他為這畫作所寫之書法於 1946年方可附在畫上。


Yanie Choi
Yanie Choi




The photo in fig.1 was taken in February 1937 at a send-off party for Wu Xipei (1902-65) , who was going on a eight-week tour of Hong Kong and Shanghai. Wu is seated on the right of Guan Zhenmin (1880-1962) , pictured here holding a walking stick. Wu was a clerk in the Immigration Department in British Penang.
Guan Zhenmin, original name Wangtao, courtesy name Xianbai, was a native of Huangyan, Zhejiang province. Guan graduated from Jingshi Daxuetang (later Beijing University) and took up the head post in the Second Provincial Normal College of Zhejiang and Hua Qiao High School in Rangoon, Burma, and then as Head of Biology in Xihu Museum, Zhejiang. From February 1935 until his retirement in 1949, he was head of the Chinese Department, Chung Ling High School. It was during his time in Penang when he befriended Wu. A well-respected educator for over 50 years, Guan was also known for his literary prowess and calligraphic skills.
This painting was given to Wu Xipei (1902-65) by Xu Beihong in 1941. Guan wrote a note (fig. 2) that records his failed visit to give the calligraphy on the top of the painting to Wu. The Japanese occupied Penang from December 1941 to August 1945 and in the turmoil, Guan lost his son. In 1946, the calligraphy was completed and appended to the painting.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
