Masaru Shichinohe (b. 1959)
This property has been sourced from overseas. Whe… 顯示更多


油彩 木板
57 × 35 cm. (22 1/2 × 13 3/4 in)
2014 年作
This property has been sourced from overseas. When auctioned, such property will remain under “bond” with the applicable import customs duties and taxes being deferred unless and until the property is brought into free circulation in the PRC. Prospective buyers are reminded that after paying for this lot in full and cleared funds, if they wish to import this lot into the PRC, they will be responsible for and will have to pay the applicable import customs duties and taxes. The rates of import customs duty and tax are based on the value of the goods and the relevant customs regulations and classifications in force at the time of import. The final amounts will be determined by PRC Customs and other competent authorities at the time of import. Neither Christie’s nor the seller warrants or guarantees the accuracy of this information and we are not responsible in any way for any errors or omissions. Potential buyers are responsible for satisfying themselves as to the amount of import customs duty and tax payable for lots which they buy and intend to import into the P


日本藝術家七戶優,利用寫實的透視表現手法,在日本當代藝術領域獨佔鰲頭。在作品《紅星與銅球》(Lot 112)中,其強調建築設計般的嚴謹與細膩的用筆,搭配不符合現實邏輯的佈局 ,讓作品在理性的建築架構中帶有超現實主義的影子。人物的真實體積感,在由強烈的明暗對比所構成三維空間般的畫幅中,呈現如西方文藝復興時期,崇尚自然與科學的準確描繪之藝術風格。身穿絲絨紅裙的女孩,帶著天真爛漫而迷茫的眼神凝視畫框外。她手持正無限迴圈的金球,暗示觀者於鐵桶內無法可視的神秘空間。敘述性的插畫編排,勾起觀者探究埋藏於故事中的好奇心。強烈的明暗光影對比,賦予畫面一份懷舊復古氣息,呈現出如舞臺劇場景般的奇幻氛圍。在濃厚西式畫風下,七戶優借由非日本傳統創作的方式,巧妙地將觀者引入充滿異想的奇幻世界。

更多來自 亞洲與西方二十世紀及當代藝術
