‘I ricordi hanno a volte molta importanza soprattutto per me che di fronte a una tela bianca subisco il fascino del “titolo”. Quindi forse piùche di ricordi biografici in senso stretto operano nel mio immaginario le “ricordanze”, suggestioni di fatti epici, di miti mediterranei, di capolavori letterari, di esperimenti scientifici, ecc’
‘Memories are sometimes very important, especially for me, since in front of a canvas I am being fascinated by the “title”. Then maybe, rather than speaking about biographic memories only, in my imaginary there are more “recollection”, suggestions of epic fact, of Mediterranean myths, of literary masterpieces, scientific experiments, etc’
‘Memories are sometimes very important, especially for me, since in front of a canvas I am being fascinated by the “title”. Then maybe, rather than speaking about biographic memories only, in my imaginary there are more “recollection”, suggestions of epic fact, of Mediterranean myths, of literary masterpieces, scientific experiments, etc’