« Je reste fidèle à la vocation du pont, le seul exempt de péage en 1606, qui fut conçu comme un lieu de passage livre et hospitalier. En bref, l'empaqueter, c'est provoquer un impact conceptuel et sensoriel nouveau, mais également accueillant pour le public. »
"I remain faithful to the vocation of the bridge, the only toll-free bridge in 1606, which was conceived as a place of book passage and hospitality. In short, to pack it in is to provoke a new conceptual and sensory impact, but also welcoming to the public. "
"I remain faithful to the vocation of the bridge, the only toll-free bridge in 1606, which was conceived as a place of book passage and hospitality. In short, to pack it in is to provoke a new conceptual and sensory impact, but also welcoming to the public. "