秦风 (中国, 生于1961)


秦风 (中国, 生于1961)
水墨 咖啡 茶 丝棉纸
每幅278 x 123 cm. (109 3/8 x 48 3/8 in.)
款识:Qin Feng

水墨和书法乃秦风创作的主要艺术元素,作品笔触宏大而有力,展现画家的阳刚之气。在强烈的视觉冲击力下,随着墨锋的展开,观者可以自由地领略到画面上 流动的美和水墨的淋漓尽致,用墨与留白相得益彰,极致地呈现出书法艺术的生命力。《文明景观》系列以当代人之视觉、观念、语言,表现人类文明景观历史 长河中不同文明的架构、文脉及精神状态。这些浮游在画纸上的意象,连接起他 作画的技巧背景及其他多层的文化影响。他的艺术创作亦展现了画家游走于东西 方所受的影响:在中国成长,他接受传统教养和艺术培训;移居欧美,他接触到其他艺术风格,例如抽象表现主义。他以历史为镜,从符号中探索东西南北文明之大气象。

秦风尤喜创作大型绘画,或可归因于他在新疆辽阔的草原、大漠成长的经历。“那里风景如画,我很想把这些都画下来,没有笔和纸,我就用树枝在地上画。我爱 上了用这种方式来记录生活。”自此,秦风开始自由地运用咖啡、茶、丙烯、墨 等来自各方的事物材料入画。秦风指出,当代水墨的当代性体现在当代媒介的运 用。现代的材料承载着现代的精神和科技,而艺术无论传统或当代,其媒介和表 达亦与时代性有紧密关联,这为当代水墨视觉语言的一个关键点。


Through powerful and uninhibited brushwork, Qin Feng's work manifests a physical energy and persuasively evinces the vitality of calligraphy, as the gestural brushstrokes invite the viewer’s eye to roam freely across the pictorial plane, encouraging contemplation on the beauty of flowing, calligraphic strokes of black ink. Bold and exuberant, this monumental work transmits an inimitable energy. Civilisation Landscape series investigates different facets of civilisations in the long river of history through the lens of the contemporary. Bridging the visual, the conceptual and the linguistic, these imageries are the result of multilayered influences: the artist juggles his traditional Chinese upbringing and training, and his experience in America and Europe which introduced to him concepts such as abstract expressionism.

The immense scale of Qin Feng’ work can be related to the expansiveness of the Xinjiang landscape, the vast grasslands and deserts where he grew up. ‘I wanted to portray the beautifully sublime landscape – but there was no pen, no paper. So I started to paint with tree branches on the ground. And thus I fell in love with this way of recording life.’ Qin Feng does not shy away from freely using materials such as coffee, tea, acrylic paint and ink in his work, materials from different origins. Qin believes the contemporaneity of ink art lies in the use of contemporary materials. The materials of today are vessels of the zeitgeist; art of different eras ought to reflect the spirits of the time. This, for Qin Feng, is key to the visual language of contemporary ink art.

更多来自 二十世纪及当代艺术
