“[…] Lucio Fontana, che comincia a mettere alla prova la superficie con tagli e buchi e creando vari Concetti spaziali sotto forma di anelli o bracciali tra 1957 e 1967. É come se stesse cercando un’energia celata nell’oro, un lato nascosto capace di prorompere come spazio puro”.
“[...] Lucio Fontana, who set about questioning the surface with slashes and holes and making various Concetti spaziali (Spacial Concepts) in the form of rings or bracelets between 1957 and 1967. It is as if he were seeking a hidden energy in gold, an underside capable of bursting forth as pure space”.
P. TABATABAI ASBAGHI, Art in Jewels, in The Italian Metamorphosis, 1943-1968, cat. mostra a New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1995.
“[...] Lucio Fontana, who set about questioning the surface with slashes and holes and making various Concetti spaziali (Spacial Concepts) in the form of rings or bracelets between 1957 and 1967. It is as if he were seeking a hidden energy in gold, an underside capable of bursting forth as pure space”.
P. TABATABAI ASBAGHI, Art in Jewels, in The Italian Metamorphosis, 1943-1968, cat. mostra a New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1995.